*shi__ra* ///
a spiritual arcade machine.
In collaboration with Sasha lee and Idan kimel.
premiered at jerusalem design week 2019.

With the help of a coin, you can wander around an 8-bit environment, witness different landscapes, and add a poem of your own in a place of your choice. Poems planted by previous players, are available for you to read, if you wish.

The work makes use of the unique nature of the arcade machine, allowing to create digital-analog relationships. To take part in the occurrence, the player must be in a public space, in front of the machine and insert a coin. Only when these conditions are fulfilled is it possible to delve into the pastoral landscapes and read the words left for us.

Like a Japanese Haiku, if you choose to write a poem you take part in the minimalist gameboy experience, where you will have to be precise with your words. A maximum of 16 characters in a row, 7 rows, and 48 characters for a poem.
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